
We are witnessing a silent pandemic of mental and behavioral health disorders among children and young people. Today, 1 in 5 children in the US have a diagnosable mental health disorder.

Yet, our children go without receiving proper care too often. That's why Handspring created a better care model.


We are witnessing a silent pandemic of mental and behavioral health disorders among children and young people. Today, 1 in 5 children in the US have a diagnosable mental health disorder.

Yet, our children go without receiving proper care too often. That's why Handspring created a better care model.

Defining Moment

Kwasi Kyei and Sahil Choudhry came to Creature with the idea to create an accessible mental healthcare center for all children. But, mental healthcare can be scary and hard to talk about. They tasked Creature with building a brand and designing a care center that children would enjoy.


Meet Handspring - an evidence-based behavioral health center that provides essential treatment for all children and lifelong skills that empower their success. Creature led the brand strategy, naming, identity development and graphic toolkits for this fast growing behavioral health service.

Defining Moment

Kwasi Kyei and Sahil Choudhry came to Creature with the idea to create an accessible mental healthcare center for all children. But, mental healthcare can be scary and hard to talk about. They tasked Creature with building a brand and designing a care center that children would enjoy.


Meet Handspring - an evidence-based behavioral health center that provides essential treatment for all children and lifelong skills that empower their success. Creature led the brand strategy, naming, identity development and graphic toolkits for this fast growing behavioral health service.

Spring forward with confidence

The helping hand that springs children ahead - Handspring is encouraging children to brave new terrain.

We set out to create a brand that signaled dependability, understanding, and optimism - and one that did so for both families and providers.

Spring forward with confidence

The helping hand that springs children ahead - Handspring is encouraging children to brave new terrain.

We set out to create a brand that signaled dependability, understanding, and optimism - and one that did so for both families and providers.

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Accessible mental health care for all families and children

Our brand development work was instrumental in attracting and building internal and clinical operating teams, and is now operating in five states and helping the 20% of children that have a diagnosable mental disorder.

Accessible mental health care for all families and children

Our brand development work was instrumental in attracting and building internal and clinical operating teams, and is now operating in five states and helping the 20% of children that have a diagnosable mental disorder.

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Let's create what's next.

It's your defining moment to live, grow, evolve, and transcend.